4: Orthopaedic Emergencies

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Section 4 Orthopaedic Emergencies

4.1 Injuries of the shoulder

Fractures of the clavicle

Fractures of the clavicle account for 2.6–5% of all fractures and usually result from a direct blow on the point of the shoulder, but may also be due to a fall on the outstretched hand. The most common site of fracture is the middle third of the clavicle, which accounts for 69–82% of clavicular fractures. There are varying degrees of displacement of the fracture ends, with overlapping fragments and shortening being common. Owing to the strategic location of the clavicle, injury to the pleura, axillary vessels and/or brachial plexus is possible, but fortunately these complications are rare.

The clinical signs of clavicular fracture are a patient supporting the weight of their arm at the elbow and local pain and tenderness, often accompanied by deformity.

In non-displaced or minimally displaced fractures, treatment consists of an elbow-supporting sling (e.g. broad arm sling) for 2–3 weeks. For comfort, this may be worn under clothes for the first few days. The sling may be discarded when local tenderness has subsided. Note that clinical union precedes radiological union by weeks. Early shoulder movement should be encouraged within the limits of pain. Non-union is rare.

Midshaft fractures with complete displacement, comminution or fractures in the elderly or women with osteoporosis, have a higher rate of non-union and poorer functional outcome. Recent evidence suggests that this group may benefit from surgical stabilization with either plate-and-screw fixation or intramedullary devices. Fractures of the outer third of the clavicle may involve the coracoclavicular ligaments. If so, surgical management should be considered. This may be performed by open or arthroscopic techniques.

Late complications include shoulder stiffness and a local lump at the site of fracture healing, which is rarely of cosmetic significance.

Fractures of the scapula

Fractures of the scapula are uncommon, accounting for less than 1% of all fractures. They typically occur after high-energy trauma, and up to 90% of patients have other associated injuries.

Fractures of the blade of the scapula are usually due to direct violence. Clinical features are local tenderness, sometimes with marked swelling. Healing is usually rapid, even in the presence of comminution and displacement, with an excellent functional outcome. Treatment is non-operative, with a broad arm sling and early mobilization.

Fractures of the scapula neck are often comminuted and may involve the glenoid. Swelling and bruising of the shoulder may be marked. Clinical examination and X-rays should ensure that the humeral head is enlocated. Computed tomography (CT) scans may be useful in defining the anatomy and the degree of involvement of the glenoid, including any steps in the articular surface. Surgery is often indicated for fractures involving the scapular neck or glenoid.

The ‘floating shoulder’ is an uncommon injury pattern. Although it is usually defined as an ipsilateral fracture of the clavicle and scapular neck, recent studies suggest that ligamentous disruption associated with a scapular neck fracture can give the functional equivalent of this injury pattern, with or without an associated clavicle fracture. Because the degree of ligament disruption is difficult to assess, indications for non-surgical and surgical management are not well defined. Minimally displaced fractures typically do well with conservative management. The degree of fracture displacement and ligament disruption that results in poor outcome with conservative management is not well defined and the indications for surgery are controversial, as is choice of surgical technique. Options include fixation of the clavicular fracture, which often indirectly reduces the scapular fracture, or fixation of both fractures.

Dislocation of the shoulder

Dislocation of the shoulder results in the humeral head lying anterior, posterior or inferior to the glenoid. Of these, anterior dislocation is the most common.

Anterior dislocation

Anterior dislocation of the shoulder is most often due to a fall resulting in external rotation of the shoulder, for example the body rotating internally over a fixed arm. It is most common in young adults, often being related to sports. There is inevitable damage to the joint capsule (stretching or tearing), and there may be associated damage to subscapularis and the greater trochanter of the humerus. Complications may include damage to the axillary (circumflex) nerve (resulting in inability to contract deltoid and numbness over the insertion of deltoid) and, rarely, the axillary vessels and the brachial plexus.

Clinical features include severe pain, reluctance to move the shoulder, and the affected arm being supported at the elbow, often in slight abduction. The contour of the shoulder is ‘flattened off’ and there is a palpable gap just under the acromion where the humeral head usually lies. The displaced humeral head may be palpable anteriorly in the hollow behind the pectoral muscles. Dislocation is confirmed by X-ray. The dislocation may be evident on the AP film but cannot be ruled out on a single view. Additional views (e.g. an axial lateral, translateral, tangential lateral) are required. These may reveal an associated fracture of the greater trochanter, but this does not influence initial management.

The principles of management are the provision of adequate analgesia as soon as possible (ideally, this should take the form of titrated intravenous opioid), reduction of the dislocation, and immobilization followed by physiotherapy. There are more than 20 described methods for the reduction of anterior dislocations, with reported success rates ranging from 60% to 100%. These include the Spaso technique, the modified Kocher’s manoeuvre, the Milch technique and scapular rotation techniques. There is no high-quality evidence to assist in selecting the most effective. That said, the Hippocratic method is not recommended as the traction involved may damage neurovascular structures. Gravitational traction, having the patient lie face down with a weight strapped to the limb, is occasionally successful and may be worthwhile if there will be a delay until reduction by another method. All reduction methods require adequate analgesia. Intra-articular local anaesthetic may also be useful. Sedation, in an appropriately controlled environment, may be of assistance in augmenting analgesia and providing a degree of muscle relaxation and amnesia. Failure of reduction under analgesia/sedation is rare and mandates reduction under general anaesthesia.

4.2 Fractures of the humerus

Fractures of the proximal humerus

Fracture classification

Although the majority of these fractures are easily managed in the ED, the challenge is to differentiate these from the minority that require orthopaedic intervention.


One-part fractures (both displaced and undisplaced) and undisplaced two-part fractures can be treated with a collar and cuff sling, adequate analgesia and follow-up. Early mobilization is important, and the prognosis is good.

Definitive management of displaced two-part fractures may include open (intraoperative) or closed reduction depending upon neurovascular injury, rotator cuff integrity, associated dislocations, likelihood of union and function. Early orthopaedic assessment is recommended.

For undisplaced three- and four-part fractures, the consensus is for open reduction and internal fixation. However, recent reviews suggest that there is little evidence that surgery is superior to the non-operative approach.2

For displaced proximal humeral fractures, surgical management remains varied and controversial.3 Small randomized controlled trials suggest that external fixation may confer some benefit over closed manipulation,4 and that conservative treatment is better than tension band osteosynthesis.5 A recent study shows that the decision should be made according to the viability of the humeral head. Locking plate technology may also provide better outcomes in patients with unstable displaced humeral fractures having a viable humeral head.6 Other small-scale studies suggest that some bandaging styles may be better than others,7 that early physiotherapy may improve functional outcome, but that pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic energy gives no additional benefit.8

Fractures of the shaft of humerus

Fractures of the distal humerus


Two radiographic views – anteroposterior and lateral – should be obtained. Some authors suggest that an internal oblique view may improve the diagnostic accuracy.15 Pain and inability to extend the elbow often result in poor-quality radiographs. Although high-quality radiographs are essential for operative planning, repeat films should not be attempted in the ED as they rarely provide the desired result. When there is any suspicion of severe injury, either from the history or from gross soft tissue swelling, early CT scanning should be considered to give better detail, especially of intra-articular fractures.

Undisplaced fractures may not be visible on radiography but may be suggested by posterior or anterior fat pad signs, which result from fat displaced by an underlying haemarthrosis. Ultrasonography, CT and MRI may all improve diagnostic precision. They alter management and improve outcome in patients with occult fractures, mostly of intra-articular type.


1 Mulhall KJ, Ahmed A, Khan Y, Masterson E. Simultaneous hip and upper limb fracture in the elderly: incidence, features and management considerations. Injury. 2002;33:29-31.

2 Handol HHG, Madhok R. Interventions for treating proximal humeral fractures in adults. Cochrane Database Systematic Review. (4):2003. CD000434. DOI: 0.1002/14651858.CD000434

3 Weber E, Matter P. Surgical treatment of proximal humerus fractures – an international multicenter study [In German]. Swiss Surgery. 1998;4:95-100.

4 Kristiansen B, Kofoed H. Transcutaneous reduction and external fixation of displaced fractures of the proximal humerus. A controlled clinical trial. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1988;70:821-824.

5 Zyto K, Ahrengart L, Sperber A, Tornkvist H. Treatment of displaced proximal humeral fractures in elderly patients. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1999;79:412-417.

6 Vallier HA. Treatment of proximal humerus fractures. Journal of the Orthopaedic Trauma. 2008;21(7):469-476.

7 Rommens PM, Heyvaert G. Conservative treatment of subcapital humerus fractures. comparative study of the classical Desault bandage and the new Gilchrist bandage. Unfallchirurgie. 1993;19:114-118.

8 Livesley PJ, Mugglestone A, Whitton J. Electrotherapy and the management of minimally displaced fracture of the neck of the humerus. Injury. 1992;23:323-327.

9 Shao YC, Harwood P, Grotz MRW, et al. Radial nerve palsy associated with fractures of the shaft of the humerus: A systematic review. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2005;87-B:1647-1652.

10 Klenerman L. Fractures of the shaft of the humerus. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1966;48B:105-111.

11 Camden P, Nade S. Fracture bracing the humerus. Injury. 1992;23:245-248.

12 Ring D, Chin K, Taghinia AH, Jupiter JB. Nonunion after functional brace treatment of diaphyseal humerus fractures. Journal of Trauma. 2007;62:1157-1158.

13 Diana JN, Ramsey ML. Decision making in complex fractures of the distal humerus: current concepts and potential pitfalls. Orthopaedic Journal. 1998;11:12-18.

14 Ramachandran M, Birch R, Eastwood DM. Clinical outcome of nerve injuries associated with supracondylar fractures of the humerus in children, the experience of a specialist referral centre. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2006;88B:90-94.

15 Song KS, Kang CH, Min BW, et al. Internal oblique radiographs for diagnosis of nondisplaced or minimally displaced lateral condylar fractures of the humerus in children. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2007;89A:58-63.

16 Nolte PA, van der Krans A, Patka P, et al. Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound in the treatment of nonunions. Journal of Trauma. 2001;51:693-702.

4.3 Dislocations of the elbow


Elbow dislocation, along with glenohumeral and patellofemoral joint dislocations, is one of the three most common large joint dislocations.1 The elbow joint is a hinge-like articulation involving the distal humerus and proximal radius and ulna. Owing to its strong muscular and ligamentous supports, the joint is normally quite stable and rarely requires operative intervention, even for acute instability after dislocation.

Elbow dislocations can be classified as either anterior or posterior. Posterior dislocation is the most common type and can be further divided into posteromedial or posterolateral. It usually results from a fall on the outstretched hand with some degree of flexion or hyperextension at the elbow. The radius and ulna commonly dislocate together. Similarly, anterior dislocation can also be divided into anteromedial or anterolateral. This type is less common and is usually due to a direct blow to the dorsal side of the elbow.

Uncommonly, the radius or ulna alone may dislocate at the elbow. In such cases there is always a fracture of the other bone. One common example is in Monteggia fractures, where anterior or posterior radiohumeral dislocation occurs alongside a fracture of the ulna shaft (Fig. 4.3.1). A rarer example is a posterior ulna–humeral dislocation with fracture of the radial shaft. So, although elbow dislocations may appear to be isolated, it is essential to look for associated intra-articular or shaft fractures.


Simple dislocation can be reduced using a closed method. With adequate sedation, gentle traction and counter-traction, the joint relocates quite easily. Medial and posterolateral dislocations may also require sideways correction. Dislocation of the stable elbow joint produces severe soft tissue injury and resultant instability, therefore, after reduction, signs and symptoms of compartment syndrome should be sought along with an assessment of joint instability. The reduced elbow joint should move smoothly. Any crepitation or resistance, particularly during the mid-range, suggests incongruent reduction or soft tissue interposition, which is commonly associated with coronoid process or epicondylar fractures. Inability to fully flex or extend the elbow suggests a loose bone or cartilaginous fragment, or a capsular tear. Post-reduction films should be assessed, not only for correct joint relocation, but also for associated fractures. After successful reduction the elbow should be placed in a posterior plaster slab in 90° of flexion. Cylinder casts are contraindicated because of the likelihood of severe soft-tissue swelling.

There is little evidence that surgical intervention improves outcome in patients with medial or lateral elbow instability after dislocation. One small randomized controlled trial showed no evidence that surgical ligamentous repair produced better results than conservative management.5 Another small study, a case series of patients with humeral medial condyle fracture, suggested good results after surgical management using absorbable implants compared to removal of the bony fragment.6 Current practice is to treat all Monteggia fractures by early reduction and stabilization of the ulnar facture. The majority could be treated very well with close reduction and percutaneous intramedullary K-wire fixation of the ulnar fracture.7 All late cases require open reduction and internal fixation; 45% of these cases are associated with complications and poor long-term functional outcome.8

Ulnar nerve injuries can occur both before and after closed reduction. The reported rate varies between 10% and 15%. Most of them are neuropraxia and will recover with conservative measures. The most sensitive sign and symptoms are numbness over the little fingers.

Compound fracture dislocation should be reduced by the open method.

Patients with irreducible dislocations, neurovascular complications, associated fractures or open dislocations require orthopaedic intervention.


1 Uehara DT, Chin HW. Injuries to the elbow and forearm. In: Tintinalli JE, Kelen GD, Stapczynski JS, editors. Emergency medicine. A comprehensive study guide. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2000:1763-1772.


2 Robert S, David R. Current concepts review: the ulnar nerve in elbow trauma. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 2007;89A:1108-1116.

3 Griffiths JF, Roebuck DJ, Cheng JCY, et al. Comparison of radiography and magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of injuries after paediatric elbow trauma. American Journal of Roentgenology. 2001;176:53-60.

4 Ergunes K, Yilik L, Ozsoyler I, et al. Traumatic brachial artery injuries. Texas Heart Institute Journal. 2006;33:31-34.

5 Josefsson PO, Gentz CF, Johnell O, Wendeberg B. Surgical versus non-surgical treatment of ligamentous injuries following dislocation of the elbow joint. A prospective randomized study. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 1987;69:605-608.

6 Partio EK, Hirvensalo E, Bostman O, Rokkanen P. A prospective controlled trial of the fracture of the humeral medial epicondyle – how to treat? Annales Chirurgiae Gynaecologiae. 1996;85:67-71.

7 Lam TP, Ng BKW, Ma RF, Cheng JCY. Monteggia fractures in children a review of 30 cases. Journal of the Japanese Pediatric Orthopedic Association. 2004;13:193-195.

8 Reynders P, De Groote W, Rondia J, et al. Monteggia lesions in adults. A multi-centre Bota study. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica. 1996;62:78-83.

9 Rafai M, Largab A, Cohen D, Trafeh M. Pure posterior luxation of the elbow in adults: immobilization or early mobilization. A randomized prospective study of 50 cases. Chirurgie de la Main. 1999;18:272-278.

4.4 Fractures of the forearm and carpal bones

Radial head fractures

Shaft fractures


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