11: Lower Limb Pain: Hip, Thigh, Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot

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CHAPTER 11 Lower Limb Pain: Hip, Thigh, Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot


Pain and disorders in the hips and lower limbs are, like lower back pain, among the most challenging conditions in acupuncture pain management. As the baby boomer population ages and more middle-aged people are athletically active, more degenerative and traumatic cases are seen in acupuncture clinics. The task of treating pain and other disorders of these regions is challenging for at least two reasons:

To overcome this difficult clinical challenge and achieve stable and faster results, it is indispensable to have good knowledge of the anatomic and the biomechanic structure of this region as well as some understanding of the pathologic nature of commonly encountered pain and disorders. This chapter will briefly describe the anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of the hip and lower limb as it is relevant to acupuncture therapy and then discuss the most common hip and lower limb disorders that are seen in clinical practice. Finally, we will discuss the application of our standardized but individualizable protocol to the pain and disorders presented in this chapter.

The lower limbs are built for locomotion, bearing weight, and maintaining body equilibrium. In contrast with the upper limb, the lower limb has a bony junction with the axial skeleton and, unlike the freely movable and non–weight-bearing upper limb, the lower limb has more stability at the cost of reduced mobility. For example, the lateral abduction of the lower limb is restricted by the adductor muscles, while the flexion of the thigh is restrained by the hamstring muscles.

The lower limb consists of four major parts:

From the perspective of acupuncture treatment, lower back problems and disorders of the hip and lower limb are inseparable. For example, ankle or foot pain will change the gait and shift the center of the gravity of the body, which will put more stress on the contralateral hip. When treating an ankle and foot disorder, both hips and the lower back should be examined and treated, as well as the injured ankle and foot.

Common causes of pain and disorders of the hip and lower limbs include degeneration, neurological origins, injuries from sports and daily activities, and inflammation and referral from a distant site, especially the lower back. Other pathologic conditions such as vascular diseases and tumors may cause lower limb pain for which acupuncture can be used only as supplementary or supportive therapy. This chapter addresses only the common causes of those pathologic conditions that are seen in daily acupuncture practice.

It is important to stress again that acupuncture practitioners must treat the whole body, not only the local symptoms. When treating the lower limb, a practitioner must examine the lower back. If there are tender points in the lower back, a practitioner must examine the upper back and the neck. This is why it is so important for an acupuncture practitioner to understand basic anatomy as it relates to acupuncture therapy and why so many chapters in this book emphasize anatomical descriptions from this standpoint.


The Bones of the Lower Limb

The large, irregular hip bone (os coxae) is composed of three bones: ilium, ischium, and pubis. These bones begin to fuse at 15 to 17 years of age and the fusion is complete by age 23. Thus, the hip bone is indistinguishably joined in an adult (Figure 11-1). A cup-shaped socket (named acetabulum, after a shallow cup used in ancient Rome for vinegar) is formed where the three bones fuse. The acetabulum and head of the femur form the hip joint.


Figure 11-1 Hip bone and its articular surfaces. Lateral view.

(From Jenkins D: Hollinshead’s functional anatomy of the limbs and back, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders, p 264.)

The femur is the longest, strongest, and heaviest bone in the body (Figure 11-2). A person’s height is about four times the length of the femur. The femur consists of a rounded head, neck, and greater and lesser trochanters at the proximal portion of the shaft, and two broadened lateral and medial condyles at the distal portion. The two condyles articulate with the tibia and patella to form the knee joint.


Figure 11-2 Anterior (A) and posterior (B) views of the femur.

(From Jenkins D: Hollinshead’s functional anatomy of the limbs and back, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders, p 269.)

The leg consists of two bones, the tibia (shin bone) and the fibula (splint bone, calf bone). The tibia is the second largest bone in the body and is located on the anteromedial side of the leg. The tibia supports most of the body weight. The proximal end of the tibia is large and its lateral and medial condyles articulate with the corresponding condyles of the femur. The patellar ligament from the thigh muscles inserts into the prominent tibial tuberosity. The distal end of the tibia is small and has articular surfaces for the fibula and talus (Figure 11-3). Here the tibia forms the medial malleolus to stabilize the ankle. The shaft of the tibia is triangular in cross section.


Figure 11-3 Anterior (A) and posterior (B) views of the right tibia and fibula.

(From Jenkins D: Hollinshead’s functional anatomy of the limbs and back, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders, p 329.)

The fibula is a long, pinlike bone (fibula means “pin” in Latin) that articulates with the tibia posterolateral. The fibula serves mainly as an attachment for muscles and gives stability to the ankle joint. The proximal end of the fibula is its head, which has a facet to articulate with the inferior surface of the lateral tibial condyle. The distal end of the fibula is the lateral malleolus, which helps to hold the talus in its socket (see Figure 11-3).

The foot consists of 7 tarsal bones, 5 metatarsal bones, and 14 phalanges (Figure 11-4). Of the seven tarsal bones, only the talus articulates with the leg bones. When treating ankle and foot pain, the practitioner needs to understand the anatomy and biomechanics of the foot to know where to find the symptomatic acupoint(s) (SAs). This chapter will focus only on cases that are commonly seen in acupuncture clinics, such as ankle sprain and plantar fasciitis, and will therefore not describe the complete anatomy and biomechanics of the foot, although readers may consult the available professional literature for more detailed knowledge.


Figure 11-4 The bones of the ankle and foot (dorsal view).

(From Jenkins D: Hollinshead’s functional anatomy of the limbs and back, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders, p 330.)


Muscles are the source of most soft-tissue pain. A knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the muscles and peripheral nerves is vital for achieving optimum therapeutic results. The anatomic description of the muscles below shows that they are all supplied by branches of the peripheral nerves of the lumbosacral plexus. When treating pain in the lower back, the gluteal region, and the lower limb, careful manual palpation of the lower back area from T12 to S4 is always necessary because the paravertebral points from T12 to S4 should be selected for needling together with the SAs in the gluteal and lower limb regions.

Thigh muscles are large and the nerve trunks run deeply below these muscles; therefore only one homeostatic acupoint (HA), H18 iliotibial, is formed on the iliotibial band. However, when treating patients with pain or other disorders of the back, gluteal region, hip, knee, or leg, careful palpation can reveal tender points on the adductor muscles, hamstrings, and anterior leg extensor muscles. These tender points should be located by palpation and properly treated by acupuncture needling.

The Anterior Thigh Muscles (Flexor Group)

The major muscles of the anterior group are iliopsoas, tensor fasciae latae, sartorius, and quadriceps femoris (Figure 11-6). They are accessible to acupuncture needling. Their anatomic function is summarized in Table 11-2.


Figure 11-6 Anterior thigh muscles (flexors).

(From Jenkins D: Hollinshead’s functional anatomy of the limbs and back, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders, p 317.)

The Posterior Thigh Muscles (The Hamstrings)

Three large muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris) of the posterior aspect are collectively known as the hamstring muscles (Figure 11-8). These muscles have the same origin on the ischial tuberosity, but the short head of the biceps femoris has an additional origin on the shaft of the femur. These long muscles extend from the hip joint and across the knee joint so they are all extensors of the thigh and flexors of the leg. In addition, they are all supplied by the same sciatic nerve.


Figure 11-8 The hamstrings: the flexors of the leg.

(From Jenkins D: Hollinshead’s functional anatomy of the limbs and back, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders, p 320.)

Tight hamstring muscles can cause gluteal and back problems because the hamstrings restrict spinal flexion.

The topography of the three groups of thigh muscles is shown in Figure 11-9.


Figure 11-9 Transverse section through the thigh to show the topography of the three groups of thigh muscles.

(From Gosling J, Harris P, Whitmore I, Willan P: Human anatomy: color atlas and text, ed 4, Edinburgh, 2002, Mosby, p 233.)

The Leg Muscles

Anatomically and functionally the leg muscles are divided into three compartments by (1) the tibia, the fibula, and the interosseous membrane between them and (2) the anterior and posterior crural intermuscular septa (Figure 11-10): the anterior, lateral, and posterior. The muscles in the same compartment perform similar functions and share the same nerve and blood supply.

The anterior compartment is between the tibia and the anterior crural septum. The muscles of this compartment function as extensors of the toes and effect dorsiflexion of the ankle joint (Figure 11-11).


Figure 11-11 The anterior muscles of the leg.

(From Jenkins D: Hollinshead’s functional anatomy of the limbs and back, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders, p 339.)

The lateral compartment is surrounded by the lateral aspect of the fibula and anterior and posterior crural intermuscular septa. The two muscles in this compartment are responsible for plantar flexion and eversion of the foot (Figure 11-12).


Figure 11-12 The lateral muscles of the leg.

(From Jenkins D: Hollinshead’s functional anatomy of the limbs and back, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders, p 338.)

The posterior compartment contains both superficial and deep muscles (Figure 11-13). The three powerful superficial calf muscles affect plantar flexion of the foot. These large muscles support and move the weight of the body. Four smaller deep muscles of the posterior compartment act on the knee joint (popliteus) and ankle and foot joints. These four smaller muscles are not important in acupuncture therapy and therefore are not listed in Table 11-3.


Figure 11-13 The posterior muscles of the leg.

(From Jenkins D: Hollinshead’s functional anatomy of the limbs and back, ed 8, Philadelphia, 2002, WB Saunders, p 333.)

Nerves of Clinical Importance

The Inferior Gluteal Nerve

The inferior gluteal nerve branches from the ventral rami of L5, S1, and S2. This nerve leaves the pelvis from the greater sciatic foramen. Accompanying the inferior gluteal artery, the inferior gluteal nerve supplies the gluteus maximus muscle. The motor point, where the inferior gluteal nerve enters the gluteus maximus muscle, is the important HA H16 inferior gluteal. This point is formed deep below the thick gluteus maximus and should be palpated carefully.

The Sciatic Nerve and Its Terminal Branches: the Tibial, Common Fibular (Peroneal), and Sural Nerves

We have discussed this nerve in Chapter 5 and here we emphasize its relation to HAs and pain in the lower limb. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. The ventral rami of L4, L5, S1, S2, and S3 converge at the inferior border of the piriformis muscle to form the sciatic nerve (Figure 11-14). Structurally the sciatic nerve consists of two nerves: the tibial and the common fibular (peroneal) nerve. The sciatic nerve leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen of the hip bone and enters the gluteal region inferior to the piriformis muscle (Figure 11-15

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